The Height Game!
The Height Game!
If there's any physical characteristic that can help with your Frisbee playing, its height. As a friend of mine writes in his article, "You Can't Teach Height", being tall and lengthy is a great advantage on the frisbee field. If you're lucky enough to be given the luxury of height, then why not take advantage of it!Article Link:
Being tall doesn't just make you instantly an incredible Frisbee player.
It takes both mental and physical work to use your height to an advantage. As Austin talks about in his article, it is easy to lean too much on the fact that you are tall and lose focus on still being athletic enough to keep up with your opponents both horizontally and vertically. Being tall still requires you to work out your legs and keep them strong enough to still be able to jump your maximum height. I've seen a number of great Frisbee players who may be short, but can jump just as high as their tallest opponents.
Another important impact being tall can have during a game of Ultimate Frisbee is that it means you are going to get the frisbee a lot. Unless there is an incredible player guarding you, chances are if the frisbee is thrown to you and you don't drop, its probably not going to be defended. This also means you need to be able to do something with the frisbee after you catch it. If you focus on working your throws and bettering yourself with the frisbee in your hands, then you will make yourself a better player. Having the frisbee a lot and being able to make efficient throws will ultimately make your entire team much better too.
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