What to Bring to a Tournament!

What to Bring to a Tournament!

During a full year at college, a Club Ultimate Frisbee team can play anywhere between 4-8 tournaments. When you're a new player on a team, or maybe just learning the sport itself, tournaments can be a bit scary. And it all starts with packing for the tournament the week before. Making sure to bring everything you need for a tournament can make even the best of players a nervous wreck.  

I remember packing for my first tournament in college and freaking out over having everything I needed. Did I remember my cleats? What about a pillow? Do I have that extra pair of socks in case its wet? These questions can run through your head even on the way to the tournament, after all your stuff is thrown in the car. One great way that our team here at Fredonia makes sure that we all remember what to pack, is we have a packing list in our Facebook group with the most important things you need. This list includes things such as:
Image result for frisbee cleats
  • Cleats
  • water
  • Playing cloths
  • Hotel cloths
  • toiletries 
  • pillow
  • hoemwork
But packing isn't just that simple. After having attended multiple tournaments, you begin to learn some tips and ticks that will make your life at a tournament much easier. One of these, like I said above, is the necessity for multiple pairs of socks. Not just rain or that early morning dew, but sweat can ruin even the nicest pair of socks. Playing in wet socks all weekend or even all day can be super uncomfortable. 

Image result for ultimatediscAnother huge part of being prepared for a tournament is the need to stay healthy. Tournaments are pretty intensive, with four straight games Saturday and another four on Sunday. Its important to bring enough food and water to keep yourself hydrated and energized during games and at the hotel after. This also includes bringing the medication and braces to keep you safe. Whether that be ibuprofen or a knee brace that you need. And how could you forget to bring a disc?!


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