Your Basic Throws with Brodie Smith

Your Basic Throws with Brodie Smith

How to Throw a Forehand
To be able to play Ultimate Frisbee, there are basically only three things you should be able to do; run, catch and throw. Two of those, running and catching, are not really "teachable" to someone who can't already do them. The third, throwing, is a little more difficult to do. But that's okay, because Brodie Smith is here to help with that!

Brodie Smith is an incredible Ultimate Frisbee player who has won two Ultimate Championships at both the College level and the National club level. He also played in the AUDL (American Ultimate Disc League) for multiple professional teams and is a world famous trick shot performer. He is a great player for anyone who is trying to learn how to play some Ultimate to listen to.

Its ironic that Brodie himself has a YouTube channel contributed to just Ultimate pro tips. These are two of his videos on the left here. The first is how to throw a simple forehand. The second is how to throw a backhand. Now these are the simplest of throws for any Ultimate player, but its definitely where you should start if you're a new player. In the videos, Brodie does an excellent job explaining and demonstrating how these throws are made. He shows close ups of his hands holding the disc correctly, while also doing slow-mo's of him actually throwing the disc. This provides a great teaching tool when How to Throw a Backhand                                         showing a new Frisbee player the basics of                                                                                              throwing a disc.


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