The Eyes of a Player

The Eyes of a Player

 Mitchell Storm

     While teaching the sport of Ultimate Frisbee, it's easy to draw on a white board or a piece of paper and tell someone how to play. Although this is the easiest way to teach, it's not always the most effective way to do so. Its difficult to imagine whats going on on the field when all you have to look at is some x's and o's on a piece of paper. The videos posted solve this exact issue.
    This past weekend, the SUNY Fredonia club Ultimate Frisbee team played in a tournament in Edinboro, Pennsylvania. One of the team's players decided to take it upon himself and put together a baseball cap with a GoPro mount screwed into it. The hat was then worn by one of Fredonia's team captains, Jon Gill, during multiple games of the tournament pool play. One video (left) shows Gill make a deep cut right off the start of the point and clearly captures his sweet layout into the end zone for a score. The other video (right) shows Gill guarding his opponent and waiting to jump into a lane to defend a thrown disk.

      Footage of play like this has been recorded before, but never of the Fredonia Ultimate team. The team was stoked to have captured such awesome shots. The footage recorded over the entire weekend will be used by the team to watch and teach its players some on field experience, without actually having them on the field. This is really important because it allows the players learning the game to watch and see exactly what an experienced player, like Jon Gill, is watching and waiting for before he makes a cut on the field. This is also a great way to show new people to the sport some mistakes that can be made in the middle of a point. The video of Gill forcing a turnover is perfect for showing someone what not to throw. The footage depicts Gill watching both the player he's guarding and the opponent with the disk. It shows him waiting in the right spot until the thrower releases the disk, allowing Gill to jump in the way. The video clearly shows the thrower make the mistake of not recognizing Gill in the way and forcing the completion.


  1. Incorporating a go-pro to gain footage is a very innovative way to watch film. This can honestly help your team improve on your mistakes in order to get better. I personally think that the sport of ultimate frisbee is very underrated and it is fun to play. It's almost like playing flag football just substituting a football with a frisbee. Back in High School, we used to have a unit in which we would play ultimate frisbee. I would definitely be open to learning more about the ins and outs of the game to increase my knowledge. Do you know if there is a professional ultimate frisbee league? If so, it would be cool to see it get televised one day so that the whole world could gain exposure to the sport. I am also curious if there are specific positions assigned to your team players? This sport definitely deserves more attention and awareness in order for more players to be interested in playing.

  2. Interesting, particularly for a somebody not familiar with the sport. I'm glad you described the footage, because not everybody can/has time to watch a video. Also, detailing what the mistake was really strengthens this. Well done!


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